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Violent Conflict between Communities

Inter-communal Clash, Lakes State, Cueibet County, Abiriu Village (Cueibet-Rumbek Road affected)

At the above mentioned time and place, clashes were recorded between groups from Rumbek Center and Cueibet. Violence escalated after an SSPDF soldier reportedly shot and injured a civilian man from the Rup community who refused to turn over his gun. An armed group of youth retaliated by killing ...

Intercommunal Violence, Lakes State, Rumbek Centre & Rumbek East Counties Amongpiny and Pacong Payams

Four intercommunal clashes between groups of Pakam and Rup communities were recorded between 11 and 13 May 2019 in areas of the above-mentioned locations.On 11 May, Pakam and Rup groups clashed around Malek Village in Amongpiny Payam resulting in six fatalities. Violent interactions between the two ...

Inter-communal Violence in Lakes State. Cueibet County, Tiap Tiap Payam, Malual, Cum and Buor Villages

At the locations noted above, groups of armed cattle keepers from Pagor and Tiap Tiap clashed. 10 cattle keepers were killed and 17 wounded as a result of the fighting. This is the third cattle raid recorded between these communities since the beginning of April and is likely a response to the ...


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