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Inter-communal Clash, Lakes State, Cueibet County, Abiriu Village (Cueibet-Rumbek Road affected)

At the above mentioned time and place, clashes were recorded between groups from Rumbek Center and Cueibet. Violence escalated after an SSPDF soldier reportedly shot and injured a civilian man from the Rup community who refused to turn over his gun. An armed group of youth retaliated by killing ...

Intercommunal Violence, Lakes State, Rumbek Centre & Rumbek East Counties Amongpiny and Pacong Payams

Four intercommunal clashes between groups of Pakam and Rup communities were recorded between 11 and 13 May 2019 in areas of the above-mentioned locations.On 11 May, Pakam and Rup groups clashed around Malek Village in Amongpiny Payam resulting in six fatalities. Violent interactions between the two ...


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