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On 21. 2.2017. Bor.UNMISS troops returning to its base from a patrol to Marreng were approached by about 15 SPLA soldiers. The SPLA approached the UNMISS patrol leader and asked why they were in the area. After a short conversation the SPLA troops stated

On 21. 2.2017. Bor.UNMISS troops returning to its base from a patrol to Marreng were approached by about 15 SPLA soldiers. The SPLA approached the UNMISS patrol leader and asked why they were in the area. After a short conversation the SPLA troops stated they do not need UN help anymore and if they ...

18.2.2017. Bentiu. An INGO national staff was arrested in Northern Liech by the SPLA and detained for a number of hours. The staff member, from Juba, was taken from the INGO compound, but later released after his bona fides was established. He was doing t

18.2.2017. Bentiu. An INGO national staff was arrested in Northern Liech by the SPLA and detained for a number of hours. The staff member, from Juba, was taken from the INGO compound, but later released after his bona fides was established. He was doing temporary relief work and was not known in the ...

An SPLA officer has been arrested in Maridi state for allegedly commanding soldiers to loot civilian

1.      On 8.1.2017. Maridi. An SPLA officer has been arrested in Maridi state for allegedly commanding soldiers to loot civilian property, the State Minister of Information says.Peter Saki says officer authorized the looting in Meke village south of Maridi, following the vi ...


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