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Three arrested for killing man in Torit East County


Three people who are suspected to have been involved in the killing of an old man in Tirangore village in Torit East County were arrested last Saturday, a local official said. The Commissioner of Torit East County, Tobby Majak Thomas, told Radio Tamazuj on Monday that a group of eight people killed a man identified as Erodiano Omiyang Choilang at his brother’s house in Tirangore village at about 1:00 am. “There was a group of people who went at 1:00 am and attacked an old man from the house where he was sleeping. He was sleeping with another man so they beat the other one and they pulled the old man, beat him and hid his body. Until now, we have not found the body,” Majak said. He further said they are searching for remaining suspects to face the law. , Majak said, the had gone to attend a funeral before his killing. He says the motive behind the old man’s death remains unknown.



Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - 02:45
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