A resident of Nyaromni Village 3 km west of Nhialdiu was reportedly shot dead at home in a revenge killing. The identity and number of perpetrators were not reported.
Armed Bul Nuer youth from Mayom clashed with Leek Nuer youth in Timdomai Village while attempting to raid cattle. 6 fatalities and 4 people were reported injured.
Armed Muok and Luanyjang communities' youth attacked members of Thony community using small arms fire and stole 25 cattle. SSPDF forces deployed for disarmament and arrested 15 men.
An armed clash between cattle keepers and an unidentified armed group in the Chal area near Chamai Village 12km southwest of Nhialdiu resulted in 10 fatalities. The clashes were triggered by an attempted cattle raid. No cattle were reported stolen.