On 7.3.2015. An SPLA soldier from Division 6 was shot dead by an unknown armed man about two (2) Km from Lang-Cok military barracks, Malek Payam, Rumbek Center County. The motive of the killing is unknown.
On 10.3.2015. SPLA/IO forces claimed to have carried out a successful ambush on SPLA forces in the vicinity of Nassir, Upper Nile State. An SPLA/iO spokesperson claims to have inflicted heavy casualties on the SPLA as well as capturing significant amounts of weaponry in the Gelshiel area of Nassir C ...
On 5.3.2015. Armed combat incident between SPLA IO and SPLA; Five (5) casualties were reported from both sides. The SPLA had two (02) wounded soldiers and SPLAIO had one (01) wounded and two (02) dead. Reportedly, Dug Dug is now under the control of SPLA and SPLA-IO has withdrawn northwards.
On 6.3.2015.The SPLA IO started shelling Renk town from the west bank (Wadekona). The SPLA responded and intermittent exchanges of shelling continued. No report of any damages and casualties yet.
On 5.3.2015. Some shelling and shootings were reported between SPLA and SPLA IO in Nimini Junction, Guit County which is approximately 15 km from the UNMISS compound.
On 4.3.2015. SPLA position in Sir Malaga, Raja County was reportedly attacked by SPLA IO forces. During the encounter three rebels were captured by SPLA.
On 6.3.2015. Exchange of fire between SPLA and SPLA IO was reported across the Sobat River in Nasser. The exchange of shelling continued through the night and it is estimated that over 250 - 300 shells were fired by both sides.
On 3.3.2015. SPLA commenced firing towards the South of Sobat River when a military helicopter was approaching the SPLA camp situated about 3 Km West of UNMISS CSB in Nasser. Upon seeing the helicopter SPLA IO opened fire in the direction of the helicopter. The exchange of fire continued for about 2 ...